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Follow us on Instagram and YouTube for all of our demonstration and educational videos.

Product Demo

LOTUS Trumpet Presentation

Here’s a trumpet presentation video where Adam Rapa presents our different models from A - Z. Recorded at Rich Ita's Brass Instrument Workshop.

LOTUS Mouthpiece Presentation

Here's a presentation of the LOTUS mouthpieces, from the XL cup to the XS cup. Recorded at Rich Ita's Brass Instrument Workshop.

Kris Johnson Compares LOTUS Mouthpieces

LOTUS artist Kris Johnson compares the mouthpieces 1M, 1LB, and 2XL. He plays some exercises back to back, demonstrating how differently each mouthpiece feels and sounds.

Ottaviano Cristofoli Compares the 2L and 2L2

LOTUS Artist Ottaviano Cristofoli is the Principal Trumpet in the Japan Philharmonic. In this video he demonstrates the differences in two of the most popular LOTUS mouthpieces, the 2L and the 2L2.

Alex Parchment Demos Solo Trpt, 3L and 3L2

Alex Parchment demos an early prototype of our new Solo Model, and compares a 3L to a 3L2 mouthpiece, experiencing the effect that different tuning slide materials has on the sound and feel.

Kris Johnson Compares LOTUS Horns 
LOTUS Artist Kris Johnson compares our Solo MAX and Universal MAX trumpets back to back.

LOTUS Factory Tour

The LOTUS factory is located in Brescia, Italy. Nicolò Perina is our head of manufacturing and designed the bell shape and material combinations of the popular Solo Model. In this video you follow Nicolò on a tour of our production facility.

Amy McCabe Mouthpiece Demo

Amy McCabe is the principal in The President’s Own. Her rich sound and musical finesse perfectly demonstrates LOTUS mouthpieces. She now plays the 1XL2 and 1XL mouthpieces in Brass.

LOTUS TurboWood Mouthpieces

How does a TurboWood mouthpiece perform?

When you play soft, the tone is even warmer & sweeter. When you play loud, it’s even LOUDER & meaner. TurboWood has a higher “Max capacity” of volume output. Adam refers to this extra volume as “Beast Mode!” 

LOTUS Artists


LOTUS Artist Ryan Nielsen
Ryan Nielsen the discusses beauty, connection and presence of his LOTUS Silver Flare and why he became a LOTUS artist. Ryan also plays a 1XL2 Nickel mouthpiece. He is the Associate Professor of Trumpet at Utah Valley University.

LOTUS Artist Derrick Gardner

Introducing our latest LOTUS Artist - Derrick Gardner! Derrick performs with the Count Basie Orchestra and his own sextet, The Jazz Prophets. He plays a LOTUS Solo MAX Trumpet as well as 2XL2 and 2L2 mouthpieces.

LOTUS Artist Ashlin Parker

Ashlin Parker receives his LOTUS trumpet:
"Adam, this horn seriously changes the game. I am not even working half as hard as I was! You put the 'Play' back into playing the trumpet. The perfect lead horn that actually has a sound."

LOTUS Artists Marcus Printup, Ryan Kisor

A LOTUS Hang at Lincoln Center with Ryan Kisor, Marcus Printup, Adam Rapa and Todd Stoll - testing Horns, Mouthpieces and more!

LOTUS Artist Bruce Harris

When Bruce stepped into the LOTUS room at 2023 ITG and played his first notes, his presence and integral sense of musicality immediately brightened up the room! In this video you’ll hear him playtesting the latest LOTUS gear, including TurboWood.

LOTUS Artist Pharez Whitted

LOTUS artist Pharez Whitted is a force for good in the trumpet community, standing tall for values such as truthfulness, honesty and serving his fellow men. In this video, you’ll see our interaction with him at PM Music Center near Chicago in 2023. 

Adam Rapa Lessons


Adam Rapa Lesson at Phil Parker's

Here is a complete trumpet lesson taught by Adam Rapa at Phil Parker’s in London. Lots of valuable stuff in here for trumpet nerds! 

Adam Rapa on Articulation

Here’s an explanation that gives you a good way to experiment with turning up the speed with whatever type of articulation feels right for you.  

Adam Rapa on High Notes

Adam Rapa simplifies your approach to the upper register in this short video.

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